Meskó House

Egyemeletes, barokk stílusú lakóház, 1700 körül épült, mint környezetében a legtöbb, Kőszeg arculatát ma is meghatározó épület. A város kiemelt, központi területén helyezkedik el, az északi és déli városrészt összekötő út mentén, a Szent Jakab és Szent Imre templomokkal, illetve a rendházzal szemben, kb. száz méter távolságra a városházától.
Egyemeletes, barokk stílusú lakóház, 1700 körül épült, mint környezetében a legtöbb, Kőszeg arculatát ma is meghatározó épület. A város kiemelt, központi területén helyezkedik el, az északi és déli városrészt összekötő út mentén, a Szent Jakab és Szent Imre templomokkal, illetve a rendházzal szemben, kb. száz méter távolságra a városházától.

The single-storey Baroque residential building still dominating Kőszeg’s townscape was erected at around 1700.

The building is located at 1 Rajnis Street, exactly where Úri Street begins which boasted the Transdanubian Regional Court, erected after the institution was brought to Kőszeg in 1724; as well as the palaces of various noble families (Festetics, Niczky, Sigray, Kelcz). The most famous resident was Protestant senator Daniel Gombossy who resided in the house for two years. The members of the Gombossy family were highly important representatives of the Lutheran congregation and many of them took leading positions in the 17th century. The head of the family, Matthias, built a distinguished career in a short period of time and had ley positions both at local governing bodies and at the diet. He was regarded as a highly educated and well-read intellectual who owned the largest library in Kőszeg at the time. His son, Daniel (1652-1704) was a key figure in the local Lutheran community, attempting to build a career in a decadent period and retaining his religious conviction but found himself isolated in a small town where Catholicism was gaining a foothold. He was the only citizen in 17th century Kőszeg who had left extensive correspondence behind. The larger part of his letters has been lost but the remaining ones are still considered a highly valuable source of information. From the letters it becomes clear that Gombossy was an individual with a conscious family strategy also working towards educating both the local and a Western Hungarian Lutheran elite. Since he did not have any male descendants, he sent his relatives to German universities to acquire the knowledge necessary for the mission he had in mind. He experienced a devastating personal tragedy: his daughter left the Lutheran cause and joined the Catholic side; she married an imperial officer and, furthermore, she joined forces with the town management to rob her father of his estates including the ownership of the house at 3 Rajnis Street.

The ownership of the house changed hands several times; the longest period can be linked to the Dugovics family in the 18th century; and it was passed to the Meskó family in the mid-1800s. The building played a key role in the history of the town over the centuries; it functioned as a local post office and in this capacity keeping in touch between Kőszeg and the rest of the world.


  • Town: Kőszeg
  • County: Vas
  • Address: 9730, Kőszeg 3 Rajnis Street
  • Coordinates: 47.3895355 16.5399001
  • Age: all ages
  • Price: free