The Tastes of the Nature Park – gastronomical festival and fair held on St Ursula Day

2002. óta rendezi meg Kőszegen a „Natúrpark ízei”- Gasztronómiai fesztivált és Orsolya napi vásárt a Jurisics-vár Művelődési Központ és Várszínház és az Írottkő Natúrparkért Egyesület, akik kezdeményezői voltak.
2002. óta rendezi meg Kőszegen a „Natúrpark ízei”- Gasztronómiai fesztivált és Orsolya napi vásárt a Jurisics-vár Művelődési Központ és Várszínház és az Írottkő Natúrparkért Egyesület, akik kezdeményezői voltak.

The gastronomical festival entitled “The Tastes of the Nature Park”, held on Orsolya (Ursula) Day has been organised since 2002 by the Jurisics Castle Cultural Centre and Castle Theatre as well as the Írottkő Nature Park Association.

The ever-expanding fair was first held on the internal courtyard of the Jurisics Castle but today it occupies a larger area, the atmospheric little streets all over downtown Kőszeg. At first, the festival featured mostly craftsmen and farmers active in the Írottkő Nature Park such as winemakers, beekeepers, florists, woodcarvers, jewellers, potters, puppet-makers (out of cornhusk), egg-dyers or straw weavers, but today craftsmen come from all over Hungary. At the event, the communities located in the area of the Nature Park and various non-governmental organisations can introduce themselves to visitors. A local alley (Diák-köz) was named in 2015 for the time of the festival as The Street of Civil Flavours where anyone can prepare and/or taste BBQ food. The festival also offers colourful cultural programmes with the involvement of bands and ensembles from the area. The dishes and sweet specialties of German and Croatian ethnic minorities have also been part of the festivities since 2005. A special event entitled “Tastes from the Feet of the Alps” is also part of the festival; here participants can enter the contest to demonstrate their skills at preparing sweets and preserving fruits (jams, syrups, dried fruits, etc.) while local NGOs try themselves at cooking competitions.

The fair itself and the competition of tastes are organised by the Írottkő Nature Park Association.


Town: Kőszeg
County: Vas
Address: 9730 Kőszeg, 9 Rajnis Street
Coordinates: 47.389444 16.538611
Length of visit: 4 hours
Age group: all ages
Prices: free