Lutheran church

Az egyik legszebb evangélikus templom a régióban, mely szoros egységet képez a később épített konventházzal, lelkészlakással, evangélikus leánynevelő- és líceummal, elemi iskolával és harangtoronnyal.
Az egyik legszebb evangélikus templom a régióban, mely szoros egységet képez a később épített konventházzal, lelkészlakással, evangélikus leánynevelő- és líceummal, elemi iskolával és harangtoronnyal.

The Lutheran church, hailed as one of the most magnificent protestant churches of the region, stands in the courtyard behind 29 Gyöngyösi Street and 44 Várkör.

The church was built following Emperor Joseph II’s Edict of Tolerance issued in 1781. The decree gave permission to the Lutheran congregation to have their own church built but without a steeple and a bell, and they were not permitted to have a direct entrance from any public road. The foundation stone was laid ceremonially on 25 June 1783; the service was celebrated by pastor Gottfried János Asbóth. The church was consecrated on 30 November of the same year, the First Sunday of Advent. In the year of the consecration, there were 1,533 Lutherans out of the town’s 5,080 inhabitants.

The building itself is a typical 18th-century construction, a so-called granary church where the wooden balcony expands the capacity. The carved statuettes in the interior are the works of local craftsmen; the Baroque pews were made in 1738, the late Baroque altarpiece on the pulpit depicts the Holy Communion. The organ, originally built by Jakab Jetter in 1784, has been renovated several times. Over the centuries, the immediate vicinity of the church has expanded step by step; the new buildings included residential units for the parsons, an elementary school, a small secondary school, a hospital, and rooms for various cultural associations.

The belfry was added only in 1930 following a round of public donation which was also intended as the first component of a new church. The spectacular plan, however, could not be realised on account of the Great Depression, and only the new school building (today’s kindergarten) could be completed.


  • Town: Kőszeg
  • County: Vas
  • Address: 9730, Kőszeg  44 Várkör
  • Coordinates: 47.3916851521 16.5404834693
  • Age group: all ages
  • Prices: free