The Küttel family and the Black Saracen Pharmacy

A Küttel-család tagjai alapításától egészen az államosításig patikusként éltek, dolgoztak Kőszegen, a családi Fekete Szerecseny patikában.
A Küttel-család tagjai alapításától egészen az államosításig patikusként éltek, dolgoztak Kőszegen, a családi Fekete Szerecseny patikában.

The Black Saracen Apothecary of Kőszeg is one of the oldest civic pharmacies that has operated since the 17th century.

It is possible to prove by documents that at the end of the 18th century, out of the two dozen pharmacies operating in the area in the Kingdom of Hungary, two were a free royal town of Vas County: Kőszeg. The pharmacy has been documented in the local archives since as early as 1645. At that time, it worked in the southern wing of the Gold Ostrich and its owner was Kristóf János Herpius. Matthias Herpius, the pharmacy’s second owner, purchased the building at 3 Rákóczi Street in 1665, and once he had extended the building, he moved the Black Saracen to its current site.

With a few interruptions only, the pharmacy has continued to work since that time up until 1983.
Matthias Küttel’s stepson, Samuel Küttel inherited the pharmacy in 1916 and went on to operate it; in fact, he is regarded as the founder of the dynasty whose descendants kept the ownership of the apothecary until it was nationalized in 1950. As the pharmacist occupation was passed down from generation to generation, the family could continue to own the apothecary, and via marriage, they even managed to expand.

Over the decades, the Küttels had become one of the most prominent families in Kőszeg. Owing to their occupation, marriages and the fortune they have accumulated, they played a key role in the town’s everyday life. Empress Maria Theresa granted them the title of nobility, they gave a mayor to the town (not in Kőszeg but in Timisoara where they had become related to Daneil Mecséri, the “most obstinate hussar”.
As far as we know, the family is hailed as the country’s oldest family of apothecarists.



Town: Kőszeg
County: Vas
Address: 9730 Kőszeg, 3 Rákóczi Street
Coordinates: 47.3878342 16.5419809
Length of visit: 30 minutes
Age group: all ages