The Town Hall of Kőszeg

A kőszegi városháza legrégebbi szárnya a 15. században már állt, a többször bővített épület még mai is hivatalként működik, ezzel az ország legrégibb ilyen funkciót ellátó épülete.
A kőszegi városháza legrégebbi szárnya a 15. században már állt, a többször bővített épület még mai is hivatalként működik, ezzel az ország legrégibb ilyen funkciót ellátó épülete.

The current site located at 8 Jurisics Square used to cover three plots of land in the 16th century named after three of the four cardinal directions. As the town hall was given new extensions, it gradually occupied all three plots. The Gothic stone windows on the northern facade date back to medieval times. The southern wing was erected in the second phase of extension in 1597 and the facade was decorated with a sundial. The Renaissance window on the first floor of the northern wing is believed to date back to the same period.

Considerable damage was caused to the town hall in the fire of 1710 and 1720, so a tall firewall was added to protect the building from such disasters. In the summer of 1777 and the spring of 1778, there were two great fires that also reached the back of the town hall and caused considerable damage once again. In 1897, the municipality was contemplating dismantling the building, there were even plans made for a new construction.

In 1911, another urban development plan was accepted which involved the demolition of a larger area affecting not only the town hall but some other buildings such as the Generals’ House, the Ambrózy House, and a row of houses between Chernel Street and the Zwinger Bastion. These plans, however, were never realised due to the lack of financial resources. The town hall, boasting 17th century Latin sgraffito inscriptions and painted coat-of-arms on its front, is an unparalleled municipality building in the whole of Hungary.

The coat of arms of the Jurisics family, the town and country are depicted between the large front windows with two characters inserted in between: Saint Stephen and the Virgin Mary (Patrona Hungarie). The latest refurbishment on the house took place in 1982; the facade was also restored based on the plans of János Sedlmayer.


Town: Kőszeg
County: Vas
Address: 9730 Kőszeg, 8 Jurisics Square
Koordináták: 47.3888276 16.5405717
Length of visit: 10 minutes
Age group: all ages