The former Reischl Brewery

Az egykori sörházat Festetics I. György építtette, melyet bérelt majd megvásárolt a Reischl-család, akik Keszthely legjelentősebb ipari üzemévé fejlesztették.
Az egykori sörházat Festetics I. György építtette, melyet bérelt majd megvásárolt a Reischl-család, akik Keszthely legjelentősebb ipari üzemévé fejlesztették.

The buildings of the former brewery complex are located on the corner of the Sörház and Deák Ferenc Street next to the former nunnery on one side and the János Ranolder Roman Catholic Primary School on the other.

The Resich family played a major role in the life of Keszthely for about a hundred years. The Hungarian branch of the family, originating from Bohemia, was Vencel Reischl, senior (1818-1893). After he had learnt the craft of brewery in the famous breweries of Vienna, he settled in Hungary. He rented the brewery on the Festetics estate from 1844 that had been constructed by György Festetics I at the turn of the 18th and 19th century. When he was elected to be a judge in 1861, he passed the leadership of the brewery to his son, Vencel Resichl, jr. (1839-1923). Reischl junior learned the art of making beer in Budweis. Reischl senior purchased the brewery in 1865. From 1883 onwards, they kept developing and reconstructing the plant, which soon grew to be the most significant company in Keszthely. At the turn of the 19th and 20th century, the production of the plant was over 3,230 hectolitres; it operated several depots in the country. The family’s assets accumulated so remarkably that by the 1910s Reischl junior had become the second richest citizen after Tasziló Festetics II.

The former’s son, Imre Reischl (1869-1938) was involved in the running of the brewery from the early 1880s, and in 1899 he leased the plant. In 1911, he was elected a judge; he stayed in office until 1936. In the economic situation after WWI, the brewery could not keep up with large companies and, after 1926, it operated as a depot for the Kőbánya Brewery.

The real estates of the family, including the brewery, were nationalised in 1948.


  • Town: Keszthely
  • County: Zala
  • Address:
  • Coordinates: 46.7588, 17.2422
  • Length of visit:
  • Age group: all ages
  • Prices: