Zala Wine Feast – Keszthely Wine Festival

Keszthelyen évről évre megrendezik a szüreti felvonulást is a Zalai Borcégér – Keszthelyi Borünnep keretén belül.
Keszthelyen évről évre megrendezik a szüreti felvonulást is a Zalai Borcégér – Keszthelyi Borünnep keretén belül.

Travelling on carriages, chariots and on horseback, a cheerful crowd visits the Lake Balaton every year accompanied by the members of the Da Bibere Wine Fraternity. On their way to the lake, they stop every now and then to have some grapes, wine and scones. They also stop at the Music Pavilion where they perform songs, dances and traditional customs related to winemaking and viticulture. The programmes also include a craft fair. The wine fraternity was established in 2000; its attires and paraphernalia were designed by ethnographer Dr. Katalin Petánovics on the basis of local folk costumes and archaeological finds from the collection of the Balaton Museum. The eponym of the wine fraternity is a 2000-year-old small drinking vessel on which the Latin inscription ‘DA BIBERE’ (Give me something to drink) had been carved. The members of the wine fraternity are active participants of different local programmes.


  • Town: Keszthely
  • County: Zala
  • Address:
  • Coordinates: 46.7588, 17.2422
  • Length of visit:
  • Age group: 18+
  • Prices: